Alumni-owned Businesses
The businesses advertising here, owned by TCHS alumni, have been very supportive of our efforts to launch the TCHS Class of 1970 web site.
Your patronage of these businesses will help to ensure their continued support of this endeavor.

Chuck Gerdau Class of 1982 chuck@gerdau.org

Johnny Gray Class of 1968

In Memory of Joe Barger Class of 1967 Click here for Obituary

Joel Dorroh Class of 1985 jdorroh@dorrohlaw.com

Eddie Jackson Class of 1976 blakedon1@aol.com

Jeff Couch Class of 1970 jtcouch.com jeff@jtcouch.com

Phillip Williams Class of 1986 pwilliams1@bellsouth.net

Mike Hannah Class of 1975 e_northp@bellsouth.net Tommy Brown Class of 1978 tbrownnes@bellsouth.net

Terry Carlton Bassett Class of 1970 www.fairhope.hamptoninn.com Bassett7962@Bellsouth.net

Glenn Poole Nelson Class of 1970 glennnelson.org nelsonartco.@embarqmail.com

Joe Hardy Class of 1969

John Tinklepaugh Class of 1969 johntink@omni-engineering.biz

Rick Besant Class of 1970 msaroof.com rick@msaroof.com
